The Adams and Reese Jackson office continued its annual philanthropic tradition of collecting presents for the children of Wingard Home as they adopted “little lambs” to provide a better holiday season for children in need.
Wingard Home has been ministering to the homeless and needy of Jackson since 1990, and houses women, children, pregnant teens, men, and whole families who are homeless, living in dire straits, displaced, or abandoned.
Adams and Reese adopted 20 kids for the little lamb project and bought various presents off the children’s wish lists. Employees have a pizza and wrapping party, and then volunteer to make delivery of the gifts to the Wingard Home.
The holiday project was part of the Adams and Reese HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support) community service and philanthropic program, which for 26 years has donated time and financial resources to more than 200 organizations throughout the law firm’s regional footprint.
Wingard Home is funded solely by donations from individuals, private foundations, and corporations.