The Adams and Reese Jackson Office, through a firm-wide “Back to School HUGS Initiative,” collected donations to purchase school supplies and make donations to Forest Elementary School. The Jackson office held jeans dress down and school supplies collection days in July benefitting the school, and through several donations as well, the firm collected nearly $500 in school supplies for Forest Elementary.
Educators with the Forest Municipal School District were delighted with the firm’s school supply contributions to its elementary program, said Adams and Reese Partner Elizabeth Lee Maron, a Jackson office HUGS Committee member who delivered the supplies on August 10.
Maron visited with the elementary school administration, the District’s superintendent, and representatives of the central office. “It was a privilege to be a part of such a positive event and represent our Jackson office in this endeavor,” Maron said. “School officials expressed that the firm’s contribution would have a lasting impact in the community as the District works to provide an excellent education for and resources to its students.”
The Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, also known as HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support), helps more than 200 organizations firm-wide and donates thousands of hours and untold dollars to offer communities “hands on” activities and assistance to those less fortunate. Whether in the form of special events or participation in agency-sponsored fundraisers, Adams and Reese employees and attorneys are known throughout the region and the nation for their community action.