The Adams and Reese Jacksonville Office donated more than $300 worth of school supplies to and volunteered at the Family Support Services of Northeast Florida’s “Back to School Back-Pack” event, held Saturday, August 9. FSSNF is the lead agency for foster care, adoption and family preservation in Duval and Nassau counties, providing services and programs to help prevent child abuse and neglect, to promote a healthy family environment and to care for foster care children.
This was the second consecutive year Adams and Reese volunteered at and raised money for the event. The firm’s volunteers included Tim Volpe, Angela Grewal, Richene Oliver and Reanna Boudrow. At the party, Adams and Reese volunteers directed many of the recreational activities, including BINGO games, basketball and field day-type events, while parents attended training. The backpacks were passed out to the children at the end of the event.
Family Support Services of Northeast Florida is one of the more than 200 organizations that the Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, also known as HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support), donates thousands of hours and untold dollars to offer communities “hands on” activities and assistance to those less fortunate. Whether in the form of special events or participation in agency-sponsored fundraisers, Adams and Reese employees and attorneys are known throughout the region and the nation for their community action.