The law firm of Adams and Reese has announced a partnership with local food banks across the firm’s regional footprint that receive support from the NALC (National Letter Carriers) to assist them with their nationwide Food Drive on May 10th and work towards the goal of “Help Feed Children Over the Summer.”
In conjunction with this nationwide food drive, Adams and Reese will host its own two-week internal food collection, during April 28 – May 10, where bins or barrels will be located within all 16 offices.
Saturday, May 10th, marks the 22nd anniversary of one of America’s great days of giving — the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food drive. Letter carriers will collect nonperishable food donations from generous community members across the country. These donations go directly to local food pantries to provide food to people in need.
The NALC and local food banks across Adams and Reese’s regional footprint are several organizations that are a part of the Adams and Reese HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support) employee volunteer and corporate philanthropy program, which donates financial resources and volunteer hours to more than 200 community organizations in need across the law firm's regional footprint in seven states.