The Adams and Reese Mobile office participated in the Volunteers of America Southeast’s annual Operation Backpack drive to provide school supplies to children in need for the new school year.
The organization distributed more than 400 backpacks to the local Department of Human Resources for their foster families, Woody’s Song (serves children with Autism), and six church partners to distribute to kids in rural communities. VOASE has distributed more than 3,000 filled backpacks to children in need over the past five years
The Adams and Reese Mobile office had a fundraiser lunch, dress down day, and with contributions of donations and supplies, were able to fill 12 backpacks with at least one of every supply on their list.
VOA is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization providing local human service programs and opportunities for community involvement. VOASE began serving the community in 1980
VOASE is one of the more than 200 organizations that the Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, also known as HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support), donates thousands of hours and untold dollars to offer communities “hands on” activities and assistance to those less fortunate. Whether in the form of special events or participation in agency-sponsored fundraisers, Adams and Reese employees and attorneys are known throughout the region and the nation for their community action.