The Adams and Reese Nashville office will partner with the Fannie Battle Day Home for Children for several 2014 Holiday HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support) projects to assist them with their holiday needs.
For Thanksgiving, the firm will provide ham and turkey for the organization’s annual holiday lunch on Wednesday, November 26th, at 11 a.m., and Adams and Reese employees will volunteer to serve lunch to the residents.
For Christmas, Adams and Reese has adopted two families consisting of seven children to help provide presents for the kids’ Christmas wish lists. Adams and Reese will hold a wrapping party at the firm on December 17th for all the collected donations.
Fannie Battle Day Home for Children, located in East Nashville, is the oldest child care center in Middle Tennessee and offers more than 100 at-risk youth children (6 weeks to 12 years) year-round, high-quality early childhood education.
The Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving, and Support), has devoted financial resources and thousands of volunteer hours to more than 200 community service organizations nationwide.