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Adams and Reese Intersection of Business and Government attorneys and advisors Ed McMullen, David King, and Burnie Maybank had their article “Navigating the FDI Process” published in Area Development Magazine.

For close to 60 years, Area Development has been considered the leading executive magazine covering corporate site selection and relocation, addressing factors, issues, and criteria that affect a successful decision when firms invest and relocate their operations.

“FDI is a major stimulus to our economy. But with that said, international companies looking to expand or relocate typically lack the time and/or the resources to do due diligence, so businesses look to site selection consultants as well as law firms such as Adams and Reese to help them connect the dots in the states in finance, investment, economic development, and public policy.”

McMullen, King, and Maybank address the top issues that international firms should consider when investing in the United States, including access to incentive opportunities, understanding relocation requirements across federal, state, and local jurisdictions, site selection partnership opportunities, access to capital and new markets, and risk diversification, among others.

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