Adams and Reese Partner Jeff Richardson’s blog,, was highlighted among the top quality legal blogs in a Lexblog article, “As ABA Blawg 100 Shows, BigLaw is Finding the Handle on Quality Blogging.” Last year, Richardson’s blog was selected the No. 1 Legal Tech Blog by the ABA Journal editors and more than 4,000 readers in the 2013 ABA Journal Blawg 100.
The article noted: Jeff Richardson, an attorney at Adams and Reese, authors iPhone, J.D., which is now a staple in these rankings.
Richardson, who practices in the firm’s New Orleans office, launched the blog to explore lawyerly uses for the iPhone, which he describes in his bio as the “perfect handheld device” he’s been searching for since the late 1980s. Richardson has served as an adjunct professor at Tulane University, teaching “Computers and the Law.”