Adams and Reese partner Jeff Richardson’s blog,, is the second highest visited legal blog published by an attorney in an AmLaw 200 firm, according to a July 1 article in Bloomberg, “Study: More Law Firms Blogging, Few Blogs Mobile-Friendly.” The results come from a report by LexBlog, Inc. and is based on data compiled by Alexa Internet, Inc., an Amazon subsidiary which provides commercial web traffic data on more than 30 million web sites globally.
Richardson’s blog is the oldest and largest website for attorneys who use iPhones and iPads in their law practice. iPhone J.D. has also been recognized by the ABA Journal, which named it the best legal technology blog in 2010, 2011 and 2013, and added iPhone J.D. to its Blawg Hall of Fame in 2014.
Richardson is in the firm's New Orleans office, and his practice areas include complex litigation, products liability litigation and appellate litigation.