Skip to Content (Columbia South Carolina) interviewed Managing Partner Gif Thornton and Columbia Partner in Charge Rob Bethea in The do’s and don’ts of flood recovery: Legal experts offer advice to those putting their lives back together. “The law firm of Adams and Reese has its home office in New Orleans and an office in Nashville as well as in Columbia. Its lawyers experienced the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and flooding in Nashville in 2010. The latter disaster was similar in many ways to Columbia’s recent experience, and the firm’s partners are offering advice on what people in the Columbia area “need to do immediately for their homes and businesses both to put themselves in a position both to recover as quickly as possible but also to recover from their loss financially as quickly as possible,” said Managing Partner Guilford Thornton. Columbia Partner in Charge Rob Bethea said people’s natural inclination to clean up as quickly as possible can be a problem in the long run. “There’s a lot of activity going on very quickly."