Adams and Reese attorney Gif Thornton was interviewed in the Nashville Business Journal, which asked area law firms to predict when a national Top 25 firm might set up an office in Nashville, and what might be the catalyst for such an entrance into the market.
Thornton said, “For the foreseeable future, expansion among the very largest U.S. firms will focus on international growth, in general, and Asia, in particular.”
At Adams and Reese, Thornton is a Partner in the firm’s Nashville office and the former Executive Committee Chairman. In his practice, he serves as legislative counsel to a number of businesses, trade associations and governmental entities with interests before Tennessee state government. In addition, he represents clients before regulatory boards and administrative agencies of local, state and federal government. He has extensive experience in the areas of education, energy, health care, insurance, technology, transportation and utilities.
Thornton was named as the highest ranked lawyer/lobbyist on the Power 100 list of influential people in Tennessee, compiled annually by Business TN®.