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Adams and Reese Partner Angela Grewal has been elected 2023-24 Board Secretary of the Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association.

At Adams and Reese, Grewal focuses her practice on bankruptcy and creditors’ rights, and commercial and business litigation. 

In her bankruptcy practice, Grewal represents banks and financial institutions, commercial landlords, leasing entities, floorplan lenders and other creditors. She has litigated adequate protection, assumption and assignment of executory contracts, true lease objections, objections to disclosure statements and proposed plans of reorganization, preference and fraudulent transfer avoidance adversary actions, and discharge and dischargeability complaints. Also, she has represented creditors serving on creditors’ committees, and represented Chapter 11 debtors through Chapter 11 plan confirmation. 

Grewal is  joined on the JBBA board with Lauren Box, Johnson Law Firm; Secretary Bill McDaniel, Lansing Roy; Rick Thames, Thames Markey; Chairwoman Amy Leitch, Akerman LLP; President Gene Johnson, Johnson Law Firm; Doug Neway, Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee; Vice President Angela Scott, Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee; Mike Waskiewicz, Burr & Forman LLP; Allan Wulbern, Smith Hulsey & Busey; Katheryn Hancock, Thames Markey; and Jerrett McConnell, McConnell Law Group.